Adult Immunizations

Adult Immunizations

At Zenicure Medical & Aesthetics, we emphasize that immunizations are crucial not just for children but for adults as well. Over time, the protection offered by childhood vaccines can diminish, leaving adults vulnerable to preventable diseases. Factors such as age, lifestyle choices, travel, and existing health conditions can increase this vulnerability. That’s why we offer a comprehensive package of adult immunizations tailored to meet the specific needs of our patients.
Our adult immunization services include essential vaccines such as the flu shot, which is particularly important for older adults, pregnant women, and individuals with chronic health conditions like diabetes or heart disease. We also provide vaccinations for travel-related diseases, booster shots, and vaccines that protect against diseases like pneumonia, shingles, and whooping cough.
Frequently Asked Questions

Vaccines are the safest medical products. They’re effective and can prevent the agony caused by these preventable diseases.
Vaccines such as Influenza and Td/Tdap are given every ten years. Some vaccines are one dose for most adults, while others are a series given within six months. We’ll develop a customized vaccine treatment for you.
Yes, they’re more common in adults. In a clinical study, it’s proven that more than 50000 adults in the United States are affected by vaccine-preventable diseases such as influenza each year.
The factors that lead to lower adult vaccination rates include reduced vaccination requirements for adults, prioritizing acute care rather than preventative care for adults, and sparse established immunization programs to examine vaccination requirements and deliver vaccinations during health care visits.
Vaccines administered routinely include vaccines against influenza, pneumococcus, diphtheria, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, herpes zoster (shingles), meningococcus, and human papillomavirus.
Yes. Vaccines are safe. The United States has a vaccine safety system to ensure the security of vaccines.
Yes. Vaccines may cause mild soreness or a low-grade fever. These symptoms dissipate within a few days and are treatable.

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