Laser Nail Treatment

Geriatric Medicine

Your Nails Need A Better Treatment

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Zenicure Medical & Aesthetics offer the best laser treatments for helping patients to deal with their extremely severe fungal infectios. Unfortunately, toenail fungus is much more common than hand nail fungus because fungi like to live in the dark, warm places – and your feet give it that opportunity while being trapped inside your shoes all day. The high rate of toe nail fungus should reassure anyone suffering from this problem. While nail fungus is often unsightly and can be painful, it is very common and highly treatable.

Overlooked Toenail Infections

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One reason that so many people ignore the infection is that it can be present for years without ever causing pain. Its prevalence rises sharply among older adults (20 to 30 percent, the studies say, though podiatric physicians think it’s much higher) because the fungus gets more crucial with the increase in age. Patients are suffering from diabetes experience even more severe medical problems. CMA Primary Care & MedSpa health experts monitor all such complexities before carrying out the treatment procedure. To avoid any further issues.
Whatever the case, the disease, characterized by a change in a toenail’s color, is often considered nothing more than a mere blemish, looking ugly and embarrassing. It is assumed that since white markings or a darkening of the nail are minor occurrences, the change represents something minor as well, even when the blemish spreads. It may be that cosmetologists see this condition as often as doctors. Nail polish is an easy solution for many women, rendering the problem “out of sight, out of mind.” But it is not the complete escape. For proper treatment, you need to reach out to the expert physicians at CMA Primary Care & MedSpa.

Why Choose Us

Proven Results
Laser nail treatment offers lasting results for nail infections, with noticeable improvements as the treated area heals.
Personalized Solution
Fungal nail infections require extra care, but treatment can restore nails to their healthy appearance.
Optimal Experience
Laser treatment for toenail fungal infections is effective, painless, and free of the side effects associated with oral medications, though preventive care is essential to avoid recurrence.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Onychomycosis is an infection of the bed and plate underlying the surface of the nail. It is caused by various types of fungi, which are present all around us in the environment.

The treatment is followed by complete detailed physical examination. If a patient is diagnosed with a nail fungus then treatment, then dependign on the severity of that fungus treatment is prescribed accordingly.

If a laser procedure is necessary, then the surgeon will guide the patient accordingly. The toenail will not become instantly clear. On average, toenails will replace itself in 6-9 month. However, healthy, new growth will be visible within the first three months.

Thick or severely infected nails may require more than one treatment to clear up. 

Experts at Zenicure Medical & Aesthetics suggest removing all the nail polish and nail decorations the day before your treatment.

Most people feel no pain. Some people feel a warming sensation, and very few feel a pinprick.

No. You can walkout just as you walked in.

It takes about 30 minutes

The fungus is killed after one treatment since there is a chance of reinfection just like everything else due to environmental factors.

Medical insurance does not cover this procedure. However, if you have a Health Saving Account or Medical IRA, most of the cost may be covered.


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