Pigment Correction

Geriatric Medicine

Are You Annoyed Your Pigment? Need Help? We Are Here

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Zenicure Medical & Aesthetics facilitate Pigment Correction which is an effective treatment when there is an overproduction of melanin in your skin. This leads to hyperpigmentation which can occur due to acne scars or sun damage. A common form of hyperpigmentation presents itself as brown spots on the skin and is best known as melasma. This type of pigmentation occurs due to an increase in hormones during pregnancy or from too much exposure to the sun. While none of these issues are medically worrisome, they can cause you to think less of your appearance.

Pigment Correction
facial laser treatments
Excel HR And Enlighten
portrait-attractive-woman-studio (1)
Chemical Peels
young-woman-having-facial-treatment (1)

Why Choose Us

medication management psychiatrist
Proven Results
Pigment correction helps to restore the color of normal healthy skin. Once the treatment area begins to heal, you will notice difference in your skin quality and appearance. The effects can last for years.
Personalized Solution
Your consultant can help you identify the cause of your hyperpigmentation and work with you to develop an appropriate treatment plan. Multiple body areas are treated simultaneously.
Optimal Experience
The procedure has no visible downtime, with improvements in skin texture and pigmentation, but avoid unprotected sun exposure for one year to prevent irregular pigmentation.

Frequently Asked Questions

medication management psychiatrist

If you have concerns of stubborn discoloration, melisma, sun damage or other hyperpigmentation issues, you may be a candidate. Dr. Tallapureddy at Zenicure Medical & Aesthetics will analyze your skin before treatment and determine if laser or Chemical peel treatment is required based on your skin type and condition.

  • Freckles
  • Sun Spots
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Age spots (solar lentigines)
  • Flat pigmented birthmarks (congenital melanocytic naevi)

While certain treatments are more intense than others, Photo Rejuvenation is a breeze. Pulses are spread out according to the areas that need to be attended to, so rather than zapping large segments at a time, the laser is only triggered at unwanted legions making for an easily manageable session. The zaps are likened to a warm rubber band snap, and the sensation is quickly dulled by a cooling compress at Zenicure Medical & Aesthetics.

Minor swelling or redness can occur in the area surrounding the pigmentation for a matter of minutes or hours post treatment. You can expect the spots that were treated to crust up and shed over a few days. For this reason, exercise should be suspended to allow for proper healing on areas like the arms and legs that would chafe against clothing. At Zenicure Medical & Aesthetics the results are typically seen after a week and then more gradually throughout some sessions.

The peel is quick, easy and painless! The first step of the treatment involves applying a retinol solution to the skin. Following the retinol, a gel peel solution is applied. The gel peel will remain on your skin between 3-5 hours, during which time you will avoid applying any makeup or skin care products including sunscreen. After the appropriate number of hours, you simply wash the peel off with a provided cleanser and begin the use of the products in the kit. You will receive specific instructions about product usage before you leave the treatment session at Zenicure Medical & Aesthetics.

Laser or Peels can be done as frequently as six weeks apart or until full improvement is seen in the discoloration. Typically, patients at Zenicure Medical & Aesthetics will require a series of 2-4 for the most significant improvement in discoloration.

Most patients do not experience any side effects, with any skin reaction usually resolving within a few hours. Patients may find they are sensitive to sunlight immediately after treatment. It is recommended to avoid direct sunlight and to use sunscreen daily on the treated areas.


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